Karin Jonkers


Boulevard welcomes you as you are. This means that we aim to provide a hospitable and accessible festival experience for as many people as possible!

Programme filter 
In the programme overview there is the option to filter by accessibility, which gives you a quick first impression of the programme that is tailored to your wishes and needs. You can filter on the following options: suitable for people with a visual impairment, suitable for people with cognitive disabilities, suitable for people with a hearing impairment, suitable for people who are sensitive to stimuli, free admission, not accessible for wheelchairs, provided with surtitles or subtitles, without (spoken) language.  Click here to go to our programme.


We are happy to provide tailor-made advice, so feel free to send your question or wish via e-mail to toegankelijkheid@festivalboulevard.nl

Do you have questions on our pin-only policy? Send an e-mail for more information to toegankelijkheid@festivalboulevard.nl.



Boulevard has gender neutral toilets in the festival heart at the Parade. 
No longer is there a strict seperation man/woman. Do not forget to wash your hands after a visit to the restroom ;-) There are also wheelchair-accessible toilets, as is the case in most locations.

On the following location there is not a wheelchair-accessible toilet:

  • Tuin Sint Janskathedraal, the closest toilet is on the festival heart on the Parade

Language and surtitles

On the webpage of a performance you can find all the information about the spoken language and possible surtitles. Moreover you can find information on whether it is a visual or textual performance.

Wheelchair accessibility

Our festival locations are good accessibility for wheelchairs; ramps and walkways are used as much as possible.  

There are disabled parking spaces on the Parade and in the parking garage Sint Jan. You can find changing rooms and disabled toilets at the Parade and at various locations. 

There are special wheelchair spaces in most of our venues. When a performance is not accessible for wheelchairs it it mentioned on the page of a performance. 

The following performances and locations are not accessible by wheelchair:

  • Memoria by Tijd van de Wolf, location BHIC
  • Binnenste Buiten by Schweigman& en Johannes Bellinkx, location Aartshertogenlaan
  • Pand18


When you buy ticket(s) you can chose for the option wheelchair user. If you like to give us more information, for example of the sort of wheelchair (electric or regular) you are using. You can contact us via toegankelijkheid@festivalboulevard.nl

There are people to offer assistance at the venue in case that is necessary. 

Please contact us via toegankelijkheid@festivalboulevard.nl for:
·      Wheelchair-accessible buses from the Zuiderpark to the faraway performance venues. On request only! Please send an email to toegankelijkheid@festivalboulevard.nl to reserve a spot.  
·      Free ticket for companions/supporters with a companion pass, book through toegankelijkheid@festivalboulevard.nl.
·      Assistance or extra facilities 


Free programme

Enjoy theatre, dance, music and more for every budget, there are performances which are free to visit and performances with a small price.

If you want to use the toilets in our festival heart at the Parade, you need to pay €0,50 this year. If you can not afford this, you can use the toilets in Theater aan de Parade which are free of charge.

Overview of the programme for every budget

Improvements on our website

In 2023 we have made a few improvements on our website. Because of this the information is better programmed for external tools such as screen readers which can be used to read the information on our website.

The navigation on our website has improved. You can see on every page where you are. This makes it easier to get back to the previous page. Moreover this makes it easier to navigate through are website for people who are using one button.

And we are happy to add a new feature to our site, which makes it possible to view the website stimulus arm. This option deactivates animations, colors and moving images. You can activate this option by pressing on the yellow eye at the top right of your screen.

All these optimizations have laid a good foundation for the future.


Boulevard works with the following partners for our accessibility:


Theater met Tolk

Komt Het Zien!

Stichting Onbeperkt Genieten

Oogvereniging Noord-Brabant

De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Autisme

Onze ervaringsdeskundigen

Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Fonds ZOZ
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender