12 till 13 August 2017

Boulevard route: Excellent

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BOULEVARDROUTE (Language no problem)

Lassus Grand Cru is a sprinkling music program featuring scabious French chansons, dance Italian luncheons and German drinking songs from Renaissance composer Orlandus Lassus. During the performance, the audience tastes well-liked wines that rely on the characteristic features of the songs and the European regions where Lassus lived. In this excellent arrangement we live, we taste and listen. Then we enjoy a serious three course dinner to take care of that inner person.

The programme:

15:00h Meeting in the foyer of Theater aan de Parade; enjoying a cup of coffee or tea with a BLVRD petit four at the festival square
16:00h The shuttle bus takes you to the location
16:30h Presentation Lassus Grand Cru of Zefiro Torna
18: 00h End of presentation, the shuttle bus takes you back to the festival square
18:30h Three-course dinner including drinks at Jeroen restaurant
20:30h Shailesh Bahoran's show Ignite at the festival square
21: 00h End of show; you can enjoy the atmosphere at the festival square as you wish

Price € 86,50

Location Theater aan de Parade/ Foyer
Running time 300 min.
Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • Brabant C
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • BankGiro Loterij
  • Cultuurfonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • De Versterking
  • Verkadefabriek
  • Theater aan de Parade
  • Apap
  • Performing Gender
  • Feminist Futures