3 till 12 August 2017

For The Time Being

Schweigman&/ Slagwerk Den Haag |

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We are here only temporarily. The earth turns more slowly, but our world is turning faster. Time is a hunted animal.


Just then we were rushing to get here, and in a minute we'll hurry on further. But right now, in this empty space, we have ourselves a tiny particle of time. Let’s take this precious moment by the hand or perhaps even unfold it..? Can we bundle our powers and step together into the loophole, where you can be who you are, where nothing needs to happen? For as long as it takes? For the time being.

For The Time Being is a consolation, (because it is) a wordless piece of theatre. With her richly imagined, musical shows Boukje Schweigman [Zambia, 1974] sets your senses on edge. Toying with your expectations and with theatre codes she dares you to use your own resources. Slagwerk Den Haag is fascinated by sounds, pulses and materials that can act as sound sources.

There are free shuttle busses available from the festivalsquare to the location of the show. These busses leave half an hour before the show starts. 

directed by Boukje Schweigman

sound composition by Fedor Teunisse, Frank Wienk

lighting design by Theun Mosk, Grischa Runge (assistant)

costume design by Esmée Thomassen

performers Sieger Baljon, Sue-Ann Bel, Hannegijs Jonker, Jasper Koopmans, Toon Kuijpers, Hali Neto, Moene Roovers, Ivar Schutte, Santino Slootweg, Rick van de Steen, Sus Verbruggen, Jurriaan de Vos, Luuk Weers

directors assistant Anemone Oostvriesland

technician Marcel Slagter

production Linda Witpaard, Kas Pijs (intern)

with thanks to: Amsterdam University of the Arts, ArtEZ University of the Arts

Location De Beverspijken
Running time 75 min.
Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • Brabant C
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • BankGiro Loterij
  • Cultuurfonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • De Versterking
  • Verkadefabriek
  • Theater aan de Parade
  • Apap
  • Performing Gender
  • Feminist Futures