12 till 14 August 2021


Marta & Kim | NL/NO

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We are constantly in motion, in contact with the space around us. And that space itself is constantly in motion. All we have to do to be a part of that is keep breathing. In FASE, a dynamic circus and dance performance in the open air, three dancers show how we are a radar in a larger whole - from our ecosystem to every conceivable space around us. The moment they start clumping together in the open air, the whole park, the whole world, the whole universe, has become part of the performance. Or: maybe we always have been?

Location Pand 18/ Tuin
Running time 35 min.
Genre Dance, Circus

FASE is a small, dynamic intervention in the public space. It invites you to claim a place and become aware of where you are a part of and who you are. Marta and Kim are a Dutch/Norwegian duo that combines circus and dance. Through their eyes, we learn to understand better what moves people.

Expeditie Cement

This performance is part of Expeditie Cement, the summer program in which Festival Cement presents its selection of makers visiting a number of hospitable partners: Theaterfestival Boulevard, Theater De Nieuwe Vorst, Verkadefabriek and MU. Check out the complete program at www.festivalcement.nl.



dance Vincent Kollar, Kim-Jomi Fischer, Marta Alstadsæter
concept and choreography Kim-Jomi Fischer, Marta Alstadsæter
music Erlend Apneseth & Stephan Meidell – mixed by Stephan Meidell
dramaturgy Merel Heering
costumes Dorine van Ijsseldijk
technique Edwin van Steenbergen
creative production Annejon Okhuijsen

rehearsal director Helen van Gigch
publicity image Alexander Browne
video Paul Sixta
co-production Dansateliers, Dansearena Nord, Festival Circolo, Festsullene i Nord-Norge
financially supported by Det norske komponistfond, Fond for lyd ogbilde – prosjektstøtte, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Municipality of Rotterdam.

More Expeditie Cement

Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • Brabant C
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • BankGiro Loterij
  • Cultuurfonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • De Versterking
  • Verkadefabriek
  • Theater aan de Parade
  • Apap
  • Performing Gender
  • Feminist Futures