9 August 2017

Annabel Lee

Annabel Lee |

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A young band from Brussels, named after Edgar Allan Poe’s famous poem about love and death. Garage pop with gravelly influences from grunge and punk. Emo? On the contrary: sunny & catchy! Check Best Good Friend by Annabel Lee on YouTube.

Location Festivalplein/ BLVRD Theater
Running time 75 min.
Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • Brabant C
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • BankGiro Loterij
  • Cultuurfonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • De Versterking
  • Verkadefabriek
  • Theater aan de Parade
  • Apap
  • Performing Gender
  • Feminist Futures