The Indonesian Dialogues
There Will Be Film | NL / CH / ID
How does our history continue to influence our present? With the art project The Indonesian Dialogues, makers from the Netherlands, Switzerland and Indonesia with post-colonial family histories seek answers to questions about colonialism, past and present.
In recent years, there has been growing attention to this history. Many documentaries, exhibitions, films, books and plays appear. However, most are made from a Western point of view. In The Indonesian Dialogues, the makers focus on the 'oral history' of Indonesian people. Stories you do not usually find in history books. But how do you do that, as a western collective?
The Indonesian Dialogues is the result of meetings with Indonesian experts from various fields, including historians, artists and spiritual leaders. Indonesian dramaturg Linda Mayasari curated the meetings into dialogues with people in Java, Sumatra and Bali.
The performance combines video installations, storytelling, live illustrations by Indonesian artist Eddie Hara and music by Swedish Indonesian musician Francesca Vincentie, and is part of a three-part project started by Dutch-Indonesian filmmaker Sven Peetoom and Swiss theatre maker Sebastian Gisi.
Good to know
- You are invited to move through the space, performance and video installation. It is possible to take a seat on a chair, cushions or on the floor. It is also possible to walk in and out at any time.
- On Sunday 4 August there is a combiticket for this performance with the performance Dance is not for us by Omar Rajeh/Maqamat and Binnenste Buiten by Schweigman& and Johannes Bellinckx.
"In this magical moment, everything comes together. The space is one, old and new rituals merge, and the concept of duality is parked for a moment."
Concept, performance and text Sebastian Gisi, Eddie Hara, Sven Peetoom en Francesca Vincentie
Direction Sebastian Gisi
Film Sven Peetoom
Music Francesca Vincentie
Scenography Eddie Hara
Dramaturgy & research Linda Mayasari
Producer Jiska Bazuin
Productionmanager Indonesia Sekar Putri Handayani
Lightdesign and technic Luca Zeller
Anti-racism expert & assistant dramaturgy Kapi Kapinga Grab
Jatiwangi Ginggi Syarif Hasyim, Illa Syukrillah Syarief
Lampung Ayu Permata Sari, Nani Rahayu, Dolf Kloer, Arman AZ
Bali Maria Darmaningsih, Adhi Bhisma ‘NoizeKilla‘ Wrhaspati, Slinat, Dewa Ayu Eka Savitri Sastrawan, Agung Mangu Putra, Agung Mangun Putra, Jemana Murti, Wayan Sumahardika, Ketut Eriadi (Jero Penyarikan Duuran Batur), I Nyoman Subrata (Bendesa Adat Geriana Kauh, Karangasem)
Yogyakarta Akbar Yumni, Bunga Siagian, Gegerboyo, Farhan Afif Al Fattah, Romo Dytee Triwaluyo, Mahmud Safrudi, Egga Jaya Prasetya, Taring Padi, FJ Kunting- Sitras Anjilin, Triyoga Wahyu Riyanto-Rendra Bagus Pamungkas, Anne Shaka-Bernie Liem, Katrin Bandel, Gregorius Budi Subanar
Translators Ismal Muntaha, Ari Bima Anto, Ritaro Hariwangsa, Santi Dewi, Danielle Kevins
Organizers Alghorie, Kadek Desi Nurani, Dimaz Maulana
Transportation De Krisna Dwipayana, Ridho Afwan Rahman
Documentation Muhammad Dzulqornain, Syahidin Ali Pamungkas
Historian Andreas Zangger
Trailer Matthias Willi
Photography Moritz Schermbach
Musical contributions
Flute and vocals Adhi Bhisma 'Noizekilla' Wrhaspati
Kendang Wulan Dumatubun
Video Excerpt Dance performance “The (Famous) Squatting Dance Jung Jung – Te Jung”
Production Mulawali Performance Forum
Director & Script writer Wayan Sumahardika
Producer Agus Wiratama
Performer Agus Wiratama, Jacko Kaneko, Mangtri Ray Dewantara
Visual & Music Manik Sukadana
Production Manager Kadek Desi Nurani
Asst. Production Manager Dian Ayu
Lighting Dede Satria Aditya
Translator Santi Dewi
Crew Amrita Dharma, Bestari, Dio Febriansyah, Made Westiarta
Coproducer Landholz Productions; ROXY Birsfelden
Made possible by Fachausschuss Tanz und Theater, Stiftung Wolf, DutchCulture, Fonds ZOZ and Stimuleringsfonds